Monday, August 12, 2013

My Claim to Review Fame

Once up on a time, when I was in the middle of my mid-life crisis I was the Chick Lit Examiner for the National edition of the... umm… Examiner.

During that time (May 4, 2010 to be exact) I wrote a lovely review for Jen Lancaster's My Fair Lazy where I said, and I quote, "My Fair Lazy does not 'suck it'.  It rocks it. And it's available today."  Well, lo and behold, flash forward to earlier this year.  It's late at night and I am reading, my husband is snoring, and I start perusing the back of Jeneration X.  And I see it.  "My Fair Lazy does not 'suck it'.  It rocks it", was written on the back of the book, and it was attributed to

"Gosh, that sounds familiar," I said to myself.  So, I did a little Google searching on my phone and I found my original review, and the last line of my article is the line on the back of the book.  O. M. G., I am quoted on the back of Jen Lancaster's book!  Me!

I woke Cory up but I don't really think he understood what I was talking about, and it all seemed really crazy anyway and eventually I went to sleep.  I thought about the quote from time to time and shared it with friends, but it wasn't until late Spring when a friend told me that Jen Lancaster would be appearing at Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor for a signing that I got excited again.  Not only could I meet her, I could also tell her it was me that wrote that review!

The day of the signing my life was overwhelming as usual, and I almost didn't go.  I left work late and drove the 30 miles feeling that there was no way I would make it on time.  Not only that, I totally forgot my copy of Jeneration X to have signed (and my pearls that everyone knows you should wear to a Jen Lancaster signing).  But I did make it on time, and after I met up with my friend and the seat she had saved for me, I walked up to buy my copy of The Tao of Martha: My Year of LIVING; Or, Why I'm Never Getting All That Glitter Off of the Dog.  I made my purchase, returned to my seat and began looking over the book.  And there it was.  My review!  On the back of the new book too!

Short story long, Jen was hilarious and we had a lovely time waiting in line to meet her.  She laughed when I pointed out my review on her book, but we didn't spend much time chatting.  The line was long and my friend and I headed for the exit.  But as we looked at the our the pages she signed I chuckled as I saw what she wrote.

You're welcome Jen Lancaster!  And hopefully I can write another review that you can quote on your next book.  Thus extending my 15 minutes of fame to 30.

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