There have been many times in my life when I was caught off guard. Taken aback. Stunned. I felt that on Monday, July 15th when I heard that Cory Monteith had passed away over the weekend.
I was on vacation, our annual trip to Michigan's Drummond Island, when I heard the news courtesy of a SiriusXM radio channel with DJ's in L.A.
I instantly shared the news with all of the young people around me, because they certainly would care as much, if not more, than me. I assumed this since they are teenagers, and I am in my not-thirties. But I think it bothered me more.
Maybe because Cory is my Glee-Crush, and yes I still crush. Not to the level I crushed on Kirk Cameron (ugh, I know) in the 80's and not with the sophistication of which I crush on my husband-in-an-alternate-universe Ben Affleck. But with the clarity of knowing that 20 years ago I would have moved to L.A. to find Cory, but now I know how absurd that would be so I just have dreams about him instead. Good dreams.
I even had a dream just last week where I told him off for being stupid, and that he needed to fix his mistake. It was very vivid and quite dramatic. And of course, odd.
It's just so sad. A real tragedy for someone who was such a bright, shining, star. Of course I feel horrible for the people who actually knew him, but as a Gleek I am sad for me and the story lines I won't see finished, and as a Cory Monteith fan I am sad for the roles I won't see him play.
I pray that those who loved Cory find peace in their hearts and the strength to move on, and I hope his death can be a wake up call for others who maybe struggling with their own addictions. Being dead, is not cool. Rest in Peace.
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