Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Driving me crazy

As you know I like to write about my opinions and I am not going to stop now. So today I will write about school transportation.

It's not about the buses or anything the schools do because I believe they do a pretty good job; however the parents that bring their kids to school need some education.  First of all, I know sometimes we need to take our kids to school for different reasons like missing the bus or school of choice and things like that, but some take their kids to school everyday just to take them.  Maybe they are those helicopter parents or they just don't trust the buses or whatever it may be.  Whatever their reason, let me tell you-living by Lakes and Farms I see how many and it is mind boggling to me. 

It is one thing to take them but you need to be respectful to everyone else, and that can be done simply by following the rules.  Just yesterday in fact I was trying to leave my subdivision and at the corner the light had changed and two cars just could not wait, pulled through and blocked the intersection, come on give us all a break!!  The few times I have had to run my girls to school I have seen some dumb ass people.  Let me explain; at Farms there is a drop off zone that is about 5 car length long and you are supposed to pull to the front so others can get into it as well, and then drop off your kids.  But I see people stopping before they even get to the zone or just getting into the zone and stopping.  This just slows the process for those behind you that do follow the rules.  Let me guess- you are the same parents that raise hell when your kid gets in trouble for breaking the rules because you think it is OK for your privileged family.

I am not going to say to much about Lakes because it is an elementary school so I kind of understand some of the crazy things I see, but not fully.  With that said there is another thing about Farms, oh yea, 5th and 6th graders, that drives me a little insane.  I have had to pick my child up early from school and there are already parents parked in front of the school.  Now I am not talking just a few minutes early, I am talking an hour or more.  I guess if you really do not have anything else to do then fine but at the very least pull all the way up so others can get in also.  Don't give me this crap that your kid knows you always park here so they can find you.  We are talking about 5th and 6th graders, 10,11, and 12 year olds, they are capable of looking down the row to find their parents car.  Maybe some independent thinking is just what they need.

I am not ridiculing anyone that has to bring their kids to school; however I am ridiculing you if you are one of those parents that think your kid is the only one that matters and you don't have to be courteous to the other parents and the school officials.  If you don't trust the buses or you just can't let your kid go and feel the need to helicopter them that is your choice, but please learn to be respectful of others and teach your kids the same.  Chances are your kids are breaking rules because you are, and you allow them to.  Our school officials and teachers work hard to educate our children and keep them safe, but they need the help of the parents.  If you don't care then why should the schools care.

In closing, it is my opinion that there are way too many disrespectful parents out there, and all I am talking about is driving your kids to school.  Take the time to be respectful and teach your kids the same.  Show the school officials the utmost respect because they are taking care of your child during the day, and guess what, they enjoy what they do.


  1. Dropping by from the Spring Fling to say hi. And yeah, I could have wrote a similar post years ago when I was dropping off or picking up from school. I'm often surprised by the lack of consideration of most people. One of my recent pet peeves...having a reunion/conversation in the entrance to the grocery store. Excuse me, I'm trying to hurry and pickup some milk here, can you move your little party out of the way...please. Oh, I feel better now.

  2. Dropping in to say hello from the SITS Girls Spring Fling!! Love your blog very cool idea! If you have free time come check mine out at
