Saturday, April 21, 2012

Welcome to 40

OK, so I know this a joint venture blog with my husband but today is not his 40th birthday.  It's mine.  He had his already, so that means I can monopolize this introductory post on our new blog.

Today is huge.  I've reached a new decade, a milestone of sorts and I'm not sure how to feel.

For the last three-and-a-half years I have been trying to find myself.  Find out who I was meant to be in life, what I was meant to do.  I examined the "what-ifs", lived without regret, went to therapy, evaluated my paths.

I quit my job, blogged full time, wrote for newspapers, worked at a greenhouse, freelanced in a variety of capacities at a variety of places, helped at my girls' schools, lost weight, gained weight, and now on my 40th birthday I realize I have come full circle.  Right back to where I left on November 13, 2008.

I am once again working full-time in the same industry that I kinda sort-of said I would never work in again.  I am also doing the same type of work that I really, definitely, said I would never do again.  But that's OK, I feel good about it and today is a good day.  I'm at an age that I never could, and still can't, imagine being.  It's kind of surreal to say "I'm 40 today."  It feels like I am talking about someone else.  But I'm not.  It's all me.

So, hubby and I hope to share this joint venture blog and see where it takes us.  I think it will be a lot of fun for others to see our different writing styles and his lack of spelling and grammar checks. :) I hope you sit back and enjoy the ride with us, and I hope to enjoy at least 40 more years of my own ride, working full-time, making money, getting refrigerators for birthday presents (and sleeping gnomes) and just generally being at peace, enjoying life.  My life.

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